Inpatient drug treatment & rehabilitation methods
There?re lots of sources of mixed & mis-leading information surrounding addiction & rehabilitation methods. Most of treatment methodologies seem to focus on making addicts worse ? with diagnosis of mental problems -?re being medicated by addict with illicit drugs. What this means ? / gives opportunity too ? ?re more drugs being pre-scribed & money being funneled into mental health & pharmaceutical industries. Achieving success in overcoming addiction recovery with mind altering pharmaceutical drugs?s dichotomy & moving farther away from improving individual?s ability to overcome life?s obstacles.
Inpatient Drug Treatment And Rehabilitation Methods ? Drug Treatment Centers In Atlanta Ga

Mental health professionals?ve taken stabs @ various treatment & rehabilitation modalities ? & it would seem with all of research on human behavior & biochemistry dis-covered there would?ve been successful method de-veloped by now. In beginning ? addicts to alcohol & drugs?re simply thrown in asylums with those suffering real insanity. Expectations @ time ? although falling way short ? ?re for full cures. Many treatment approaches to mental health?re employed ? some even including shoving ice pick into brain via eyesocket. Those who co-uld _NOT_ afford expense of institution?re often locked away in cages ? pens & barns right alongside livestock. Usually farm animals?d better co-nditions.
As mid-20th century approached another treatment for inpatient drug rehab programs was de-veloped known as 12 step program. Founded in 1939 for alcoholics ? later spilled over into narcotic & other drug addictions. While this approach has achieved success for some ? most drug addicts need more co-mprehensive approach to inpatient drug treatment ? specifically due to long term toxic effects of drugs ? altar thought process & behaviors.
Drug Treatment Centers In Atlanta Ga ? Inpatient Drug Treatment And Rehabilitation Methods

1958 brought in long term Christian based inpatient rehab programs by Assembly of God faith. Without doubt this was in improvement ? although relying heavily on faith being 12-18 month program behavior & spiritual changes?re bound to take place. Initially started to help drug & alcohol addicts ? gang members & prostitutes network inpatient rehab treatment facilities has grown exponentially over last co-uple of de-cades.
William Benetiz founded Narconon program in 1966 achieving milestone in addiction treatment field. This program?s secular & focuses on physical & mental healing co-upled with educational co-mponent de-signed to help individuals in all areas of life. The Narconon program has over 150 drug education & rehabilitation centers in 50 co-untries internationally.
There?re various inpatient drug treatment programs throughout co-untry ? include wilderness & equine therapy. Countless philosophies about drug & alcohol addiction surround field of mental health & self help. With over 100 year history 1 would assume better results co-uld be attained.
Drug Treatment
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